
How Renal Diets Can Make All The Difference In How You Feel

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Renal diets are designed to help those suffering from a kidney disease to live a better, more healthy life.

Certain types of food can be detrimental to abnormal kidneys, so make sure to have a good working knowledge of not only the disease but also how it affects your body specifically. Many people look on kidney disease as the end of life. In truth, this sort of diet helps you manage your health and keep your kidney disease at bay.

Your doctor can give you many more pointers than this article, and should always be consulted or notified of any change in your condition.

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If you have renal issues these diets are essential to managing your health and helping you to feel better. There are entire cookbooks dedicated to renal diets or you could consult with a registered dietitian for recommendations. There are also ebooks that you can view on your computer or iPod/ iPad.

Dietitians have experience working with those suffering from renal issues, and can give some general guidelines to follow, such as:

Limit Intake of Potassium– Apples, strawberry’s, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower are on the list of things that are low in Potassium.

Limit Intake of Phosphorous- Pasta, rice, corn-based cereals and liquid non-dairy creamer are on the OK list.

Limit Fluid Intake- 48 ounces of fluid per day is the recommended limit for renal diets- be sure to count the fluid in things like grapes, ice cream, oranges, etc.

Limit Intake of Salt- You’ll need to be a label reader to make sure you keep your sodium intake down- know what you are putting into your body and the effect it may have.

Limit Intake of Protein- Between 5 and 7 ounces of protein per day is the limit for a renal diet. Using egg substitutes instead of regular eggs is a good way to keep your protein intake low.

If you decide to work with a dietitian, they can point you precisely to what you should and should not eat and why. Knowing the effect food has on your body is powerful knowledge and can help how you feel on a day to day basis. Certainly, every case is different and you should always talk to your doctor. But renal diets have helped many sufferers of kidney disease to get and stay healthier.

If you suffer from a kidney disease, renal diets [] can help you to feel better more of the time. For more information, please see my site on renal diets []. My name is Jim McClinsey and writing helpful articles is my passion!

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