
Promote Total Kidney Health

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Nearly 3.7 million people in the United States are diagnosed with some kind of kidney disease each year. And those millions of people have to go through dialysis, wait for a kidney transplant, or end up suffer from kidney failure. Your kidneys look like two beans and each organ is about the size of a fist. They are in the middle of your back, below your rib cage, and on either side of your spine. Though we are normally born with two functioning kidneys the body can be in good health with just one functioning kidney.

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Your kidneys are in charge of regulating the make up of your blood, keeping the concentrations of ions and acidity/alkalinity consistent. It also keeps the volume of water in your body constant too. Kidneys remove wastes from your body like ammonia, urea, and other toxins. Kidneys keep up on blood pressure and make sure your body’s calcium levels are sufficient as well. One more thing that kidneys also take of is making red blood cells.

200 quarts of blood is filtered through the kidneys every day. This makes about two quarts of waste products and water that pass through into the bladder. The bladder stores the urine until it is excreted from the body. Some of the waste products that are excreted are excess protein, minerals, alcohol, and other toxins.

Any disorder that affects the kidneys and how they function is what is called kidney disease. Some of these disorders are lupus, diabetes, kidney stones, hypertension, injuries, and infections and renal disease. Symptoms of renal disease are frequent headaches and urinating, loss of appetite, anemia, baggy eyes, nausea, swollen hands, muscle cramping, burning bladder, itching, and fatigue.

Kidney stones are solid hard material that has formed in the kidneys. They form from the minerals in the urine and can never leave the kidney or travel to the urinary tract. Kidney stones tend to happen more often in the summer, mostly because we tend to perspire in the summer more making urine more concentrated. Sometimes passing the stone can be so simple it might only take drinking a lot of water and jumping up and down to dislodge it to pass it. Symptoms are odor in urine, cloudy urine, vomiting, bloody urine, fever, chills, burning when urinating, and sudden intense pain in the lower back, side or groin areas.

Detoxifying the kidneys is important because the when the capacity of the liver to detoxify is overloaded with toxins they go into the blood stream and it can cause irritation and the whole urinary system can because susceptible to infections. High blood pressure can cause damage to tiny kidney tubules and this can be because there is a calcium or magnesium imbalance. Eating foods high in sugar can cause retention of salt and water and cause weight gain. This can take an affect on the calcium metabolism and can cause kidney stones.

The amount of water that you take in each day is very important. We loose 1 to 2 litres of water each day urinating and it is very important to replace it to replenish and help the body get what it needs.

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Veggies and fruits are high in water so it does contribute to the amount of water you are supposed to take in. Tea and coffee make the body loss more water so in a detoxing program they are to be limited. Although there are many herbs that can help to support kidneys and there functions. Some of the herbs that aide in detox and cleansing of the kidneys are parsley leaf, horsetail herb, cornsilk, dandelion, and cranberries. Alternative Health Supplements offers a product called Total Kidney Cleanse. This product will promote good kidney, bladder, and urinary tract health. It is a 30 day, 2 part cleanse that with 7 channels of elimination, the lungs, liver, skin, kidneys, colon, lymph, and blood. It is all natural and safe and it is designed to nutritionally assist your body.

Steven Johnson is committed to helping people maintain healthy and effective lifestyles. For more information on any other health supplements please visit his website Alternative Health Supplements at

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