
How Important Is Zinc for Diabetics?

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Zinc is an antioxidant mineral and is best known for its ability to improve male sexual health by protecting the prostate gland. Zinc is incredibly important to the skin as well… you need it to make collagen which is a substance that helps heal wounds. A deficiency in zinc could spell a lot of trouble for Type 2 diabetics as it would mean a delay in wound healing.

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Zinc is one of the most important essential trace minerals that diabetics, Type 1 and Type 2, need. And some of the functions of zinc in your body could shock you! Here is a list of 7 of them:

Zinc is:

  • a component of insulin. Without it, insulin won’t work properly in your body
  • a constituent of over two dozen enzymes that are involved in digestion and metabolism. Without it, your digestion and your metabolism is impaired. You feel as if your metabolism is sluggish
  • essential for general growth of the body. Without it, your new skin cells that are created don’t look right. They just aren’t formed correctly. The cells form incorrectly and then stretch marks result without zinc
  • if you’re a man, zinc is essential for the normal functioning of your prostate gland
  • important in healing wounds and burns. And to a diabetic, Type 1 or Type 2, zinc levels contribute to every wound healing quickly
  • essential in the synthesis of nucleic acid, which controls the formation of different proteins in the cell. To a diabetic, this means that new cells are formed that have the capability to reverse the genes that have been turned on for disease. The genes are turned on for health
  • zinc always plays a part in carbohydrate metabolism as well. And for a diabetic, this is most important since diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrates
  • zinc helps eliminate cholesterol deposits in your arteries

What is the required dosage? The estimated dosage of zinc that you need on a daily basis is 15 mg for adults. Zinc dosage should be balanced in a ratio of 15 mg zinc to 2 mg copper. Absorption is limited in vegetarians.

How to supplement with Zinc? Why not try zinc lozenges, one daily? They are flavored in order to mask the metallic taste. The best brands do not contain either sugar or HFCS. It’s best to take zinc on a full stomach. If you develop an upset stomach, diarrhea, cramps, or a metallic taste in your mouth, you are getting too much zinc.

Zinc deficiency symptoms include:

  • decreased alertness
  • susceptibility to infection and injury
  • fatigue
  • stress
  • dry skin
  • prolonged healing of wounds
  • prostate enlargement, and
  • decreased night vision

Zinc can be found in pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, seafood, organ meats, mushrooms, oysters, herring, eggs, wheat germ, and meats.

To discover answers to question you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link… Natural Diabetes Treatments

Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions… Beverleigh Piepers RN… the Diabetes Detective.

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