
Eating Antioxidant Foods Keep Normal Sugar Levels

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There are many treatment options so far as type 2 diabetes is concerned. Indeed, it is not curing diabetes but managing diabetic condition with medicines and lifestyle. As such, you have means and ways to help keep normal blood sugar levels. However, physicians and dietitians emphasize that eating the right diet foods is the best option in managing type 2 diabetes. The objective of this article is to focus on important and good foods to eat for diabetes.

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First, it should be admitted that plenty of fresh vegetables are recommended as good foods for diabetes. Choosing fresh vegetables containing rich dietary fiber can produce surprising results. Broccoli is certainly a good selection of food for type 2 diabetes. It is really a rich source of fiber as well as vitamins. That’s why dietitians emphasize the inclusion of broccoli with meals and snacks as well. Broccoli contains sulphoraphane as antioxidant helping to reverse type 2 diabetes symptoms. Following this, the damage caused to delicate internal parts of the body is prevented. Specifically, the antioxidants contained in broccoli keep heart’s vascular system from being damaged with fatty sugar coatings inside.


Berries constitute a wonderful type 2 diabetes diet as recommended by dietitians. The antioxidant constituent of berries has an exemplary value in controlling adult onset diabetes. The dietitians claim that the antioxidants, alternatively identified as polyphenols, contained in berries have an excellent role of keeping optimal blood sugar levels in the blood stream. However, they emphasize that consuming berries in excess can skyrocket the sugar levels. That is why a diabetic should be sure to gain right amount of carb intake when consuming berries in a day. Excessive amount of berries can burn extra calories in producing sudden rise of energy following a sudden fall to zero energy. That way, consuming berries is good for type 2 diabetes treatment but the things will go wrong when you fail to check right amount of intake of berries.

Green tea=>

The potential of green tea is great when the antioxidants contained in green tea leaves are considered. Though black tea also contains antioxidants, the amount of antioxidant ingredient contained in black tea is comparatively less than that contained in green tea. The benefits extended by green tea are many for type 2 diabetics. It is also claimed that the Chinese dinner is always followed by green tea conventionally back from centuries. It is not simply a stimulant but a power booster for muscles and cells.

It will be more convincing if you refer the guidelines set by American Diabetes Association on treatment of diabetes and how to prevent diabetes.

Controlling blood sugar is really an art. If you want to be an expert and safe, you should keep up with Diabetic Foods to Eat AND Diabetes Foods to Avoid.

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