
Benefits of Alkaline Diet for Diabetics

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Human Body Design and Alkaline Diet

The human body is, to some degree, alkaline by design. By maintaining it alkaline we allow it to run at an ideal level. Nevertheless, millions of reactions of our metabolism yield acidic wastes as end products. When we consume an excessive amount of acid-producing foods and not enough alkaline-forming foods we aggravate the body acid intoxication. If we let these acid-wastes build-up throughout the body, a disorder known as acidosis develops over time.

Acidosis will progressively debilitate our body vital functions, if we do not quickly take corrective actions. Acidosis, or body over-acidity, is in fact one of the leading causes of human aging. It makes our body highly vulnerable to the series of the deadly degenerative chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis, as well as heart diseases.

For this reason, the biggest challenge we humans have to face to protect our lives is actually to find the right way to reduce the production, and to maximize the elimination of the body acidic wastes. To avoid acidosis and the age-related diseases, and to continue running at its highest level possible, our body needs a healthy lifestyle. This lifestyle should include regular exercises, a balanced nutrition, a clean physical environment, and a way of living that brings the lowest stress possible. A healthy lifestyle allows our body to keep its acid waste content at the lowest level possible.

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The alkaline diet, also known as the pH miracle diet, seems to fit the best the design of the human body. This is mainly because it helps neutralize the acid wastes and allows flushing them out from the body. People should look at alkaline diet as general dietary boundaries for humans to abide by. The persons who have particular health issues and special medical diets might better accommodate those diets to alkaline diet boundaries.

Alkaline Diet Benefits for Diabetics

The miracle alkaline diet will help improve the overall health of the persons suffering from diabetes. As it does for other human beings, alkaline diet will help boost their body physiology and metabolism, as well as their immune system. This diet will allow diabetics to have a better control on their blood sugar. It is also going to help not only in reducing their weight gain and the risks of cardiovascular diseases, but also in keeping their cholesterol level low.

In fact, the alkaline diet allows a better management of diabetes and, as a result, it helps diabetics avoid more easily the degenerative diseases connected to their condition. So by following an alkaline diet, despite their health situation, diabetics can, at the same time, live healthier and extend considerably their life expectancy.

Diabetics Acid-Alkaline Food Chart

In general, people who want to follow an alkaline diet need to select their daily food items from an ‘Acid-Alkaline Foods Chart’. We recently published a ‘Diabetics Acid-Alkaline Food Chart’. The use of this specific chart allows diabetics to conform to both the alkaline diet rule and the glycemic index rule.

The alkaline diet rule sets general nutritional guidelines. According to this diet plan, our daily food intake should be composed of a minimum of 80 percent of alkaline-forming foods, and of no more than 20 percent of acidifying food products. Additionally, the diet highlights that the more alkaline a food item is, the better it is actually; and on the other hand the more acidifying a food product is, the worse it should be for the human body.

As for the glycemic index rule, it divides foods into four main categories with respect to their ability to raise the blood sugar. This ability is now measured by the glycemic index GI that ranges from 0 to 100. (1) Foods that contain almost no carbohydrates and that have, in consequence, a negligible glycemic index (GI~0); diabetics may take them freely. (2) Foods containing carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (GI 55 or less); people with diabetes should eat these products with some precaution. (3) Foods that have carbohydrates of high glycemic index (GI 56 or more); diabetics must, so far as possible, exclude them from their diet. (4) Processed foods; diabetics will need to consult the manufacturers’ labels to figure out their particular glycemic index values.

You can find more details on the glycemic index of foods on the web, at the following locations: the University of Sydney and the American Diabetes Association.

Diabetics Top Best and Top Worst Foods

Intended for the people affected by diabetes, the ‘Diabetics Acid-Alkaline Food Chart’ divides foods into six categories. The list below goes from the top best to the top worst foods.

1. Alkalizing food items with GI~0. They are among the top best foods. Diabetics may eat them freely.

Asparagus; broccoli; parsley; celery; lettuce; carob; vegetable juices; mushrooms; squash; okra; zucchini; cauliflower; garlic/onions; green beans; beets; cabbage; raw spinach; lemons; avocados; limes; goat cheese; herb teas; stevia; lemon water; ginger tea; green tea; canola oil; olive oil; flax-seed oil.

2. Alkalizing food products that have a GI of 55 or less. People who have diabetes should take them with moderation, because of their glycemic index.

Barley grass; sweet potato; carrots; fresh corn; olives; peas/soybeans; tomatoes; bananas; cherries; pears; oranges; peaches; grapefruit; mangoes; kiwi; papayas; berries; apples; almonds; Brazil nut; wild rice; chestnuts; coconut; quinoa; hazelnuts; lentils; soy milk; soy cheese; goat milk; breast milk; raw honey; whey.

3. Acidifying foods with a GI~0. Diabetics should consume them with caution, being their acid-producing character.

Rhubarb; cooked spinach; pork; shellfish; liver; oysters; beef; venison; lamb; cold water fish; chicken; turkey; eggs; butter; buttermilk; cottage cheese; cheese; corn oil; lard; margarine; sunflower oil; wine; beer; coffee; cocoa; tea; mayonnaise; molasses; mustard; vinegar; artificial sweeteners.

4. Acidifying foods having a GI of 55 or less. Considering both their acid-forming feature and their glycemic index, people with diabetes will need to eat them with restraint.

Lima beans; navy beans; kidney beans; pinto beans; blueberries; cranberries; sour cherries; prunes; plums; brown rice; sprouted wheat bread; corn; oats/rye; whole wheat/rye bread; pasta/pastries; wheat; walnuts; peanuts; pistachios; cashews; pecans; sunflower seeds; sesame; yogurt; cream; raw milk; custard; homogenized milk; ice cream; chocolate.

5. Alkaline-forming foods with a GI of 56 or more. Because of their high glycemic index, these products are among the worst foods for diabetics. Therefore, people who suffer from diabetes need to avoid them.

Turnip; beetroot; tofu; potato with skins; figs; grapes/raisins; dates; melons; pineapple; watermelon; rice syrup; maple syrup; raw sugar; amaranth; millet.

6. Acid-producing foods with a GI of 56 or more. These items are too acidic and have too high-glycemic index carbohydrates. They represent the top worst foods for diabetics. Thus, diabetes sufferers need to cut them completely from their meals.

White bread; buckwheat; pumpkin; white rice; spelt; potatoes w/o skins; white sugar; brown sugar; processed honey; soft drinks.

Dan Altic – PhD Science; 30+ years experience in “Nutrition and Lifestyle as Prevention, Cause and Treatment of Chronic Diseases”. Visit our website for more information on the following subjects: nutrition and health prevention; acidosis and degenerative diseases; diabetes and alkaline diet; and ‘Diabetics Acid-Alkaline Food Chart‘. You will also find listed the top worst and the top best foods for diabetics.

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