
Yeast infection and hemorrhoids at the same time! What to do? Should you panic

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Yeast infection and hemorrhoids at the same time

In brief, one does not cause the other, although these may occur simultaneously. To keep the facts straight, hemorrhoids and yeast infection are 2 entirely different conditions. Sometimes, symptoms may seem the same and interrelated because of the proximity of the affected tissues.

Causes of yeast infection

The exact cause of yeast infection is still unknown. Factors that cause symptoms to appear are known, though. Diabetes, hormonal imbalance and pregnancy are some of the main triggers. Certain medications can also cause symptoms to appear.

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Causes of hemorrhoids

Dilation and distension of the anal and rectal veins is mainly caused by constant chronic pressure. Common reasons for the pressure include the following:


Constipation produces pressure in 2 ways. One fecal matter that overstays within the colon can put undue pressure on the colon, specifically on the rectal muscles. This can impede normal blood flow within the rectal veins. Also, feces in constipation are hard and difficult o expel. As it passed through the colon, it irritates the mucosal linings, which further supports the development of venous distension. Also, because stools are hard and difficult to pass out of the colon, straining is often necessary. This would cause increased abdominal pressure as well as force a lot of blood towards the veins in the lower portion of the colon. Blood rushes towards the veins. Straining increases pressure in the abdominal region, which places strain on the terminal portion of the colon. This strain prevents the blood from returning to the main circulation. Blood pools within the veins, where it exerts pressure against the walls of the veins. The longer the blood stays, the more pressure it applies, and the more likely the venous walls will eventually lose their elasticity and become distended. Veins are naturally less elastic than arteries and are naturally more prone to distention. Also, straining causes the venous walls to weaken because of too much blood flow that it was naturally designed to handle.


Gas trapped in the digestive tract is also a likely cause of hemorrhoids. As it accumulates, it produces pressure that presses down on the pelvic organs such as the rectum and anus. This same pressure can also weaken the walls of the veins and become distended and dilated.


The growing fetus can place too much pressure on the adjacent tissues such as the anus and the rectum, which supports the formation of distended and dilated veins.

What to do in yeast infection + hemorrhoids

Itchiness is the main common symptom that these 2 health problems share. If these 2 problems are simultaneously present, the most important thing to do is to keep the perineal area clean. Maintain good hygiene. After toileting, wipe the area gently with cotton toilet paper. Avoid rubbing the area too harshly. If possible, wipe the genitals and the anal area using separate wipes or toilet paper. Yeast can be transferred into the already compromised mucosal lining of the rectum and anus, which can be a huge risk for infections.

Also, keep the area clean. Avoid moisture but avoid dryness as well. Moist areas will promote more yeast growth while dryness would promote further irritation and bleed in the hemorrhoids.

Most importantly, seek a doctor’s advice for proper and separate treatment of the yeast infection and the dilated veins.

How long does yeast infections last

The duration of a yeast infection can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the infection, the individual’s overall health, and the chosen treatment approach. Typically, with proper treatment, most uncomplicated yeast infections can be resolved within one to two weeks. However, it’s important to note that individual experiences may differ.

For mild yeast infections, over-the-counter antifungal medications, such as creams, ointments, or suppositories, are often effective in providing relief and clearing the infection. These medications usually need to be used for a specific duration, which can range from three to seven days, as directed on the product packaging or as advised by a healthcare professional. It’s crucial to complete the full course of treatment, even if symptoms alleviate before it’s finished, to ensure complete eradication of the infection.

In more severe cases or instances of recurrent yeast infections, prescription-strength antifungal medications may be required. These may be in the form of oral medications, such as fluconazole, or stronger topical treatments. The treatment duration for these prescriptions can vary, but it’s typically longer than that of over-the-counter options. It’s essential to follow the healthcare professional’s instructions regarding dosage and duration to effectively eliminate the infection.

It’s worth noting that some individuals may experience temporary relief from symptoms within a few days of starting treatment, but it’s essential to continue the prescribed treatment for the recommended duration. Failing to complete the full course of treatment may allow the infection to persist or reoccur.

Factors that can prolong the duration of a yeast infection include delayed or inadequate treatment, compromised immune system, underlying medical conditions (such as diabetes or HIV), and lifestyle factors (such as a high-sugar diet or excessive antibiotic use). It’s crucial to address any underlying causes or contributing factors to prevent future infections.

If the symptoms of a yeast infection persist or worsen despite appropriate treatment, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation. They can provide a more accurate diagnosis, rule out other possible conditions, and recommend alternative treatment options if necessary.

Remember, individual experiences may vary, so it’s always best to seek professional medical advice for an accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plan for your specific situation.

How long does a yeast infection last without treatment

Without treatment, a yeast infection can potentially persist and last for an extended period of time. The duration can vary from person to person, but it generally tends to be longer compared to when treated promptly. If left untreated, a yeast infection can continue to cause discomfort and symptoms, which may worsen over time.

The body’s natural immune response may eventually help to control the infection to some extent, but it’s important to note that self-resolution is not guaranteed and can take weeks or even months. During this time, the infection may persist, leading to ongoing itching, irritation, and discharge.

It’s crucial to seek medical attention and receive appropriate treatment for a yeast infection to effectively and efficiently eliminate the infection and alleviate symptoms. Over-the-counter antifungal medications are readily available and can provide relief when used as directed. If symptoms persist or worsen despite self-treatment, it is strongly recommended to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options. They can assess the situation, provide a proper diagnosis, and prescribe stronger antifungal medications or other interventions, if necessary, to help resolve the infection.

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