
What Causes Your High Blood Sugar Level

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No matter who you are, if you have been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, or even gestational diabetes, you share a single symptom… high blood sugar levels. Although you share this symptom, the cause of your high blood sugars may be different, also how high your levels go after eating the same food may be different… and what you need to do to bring your levels back to within your target range will also be different.

The key to taking care of your version of type 2 diabetes is to learn why your blood sugar levels go up and down. Once you know this, you can take steps to keep your levels in your target range.

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The main reasons your blood sugar level may be high are:

  • eating more food than usual… so the quantity, the food combination and extra carbohydrates
  • how much physical activity you do… less exercise than usual or exercising when your blood sugar levels were above 270 mg/dl (15 mmol/l)
  • the medications you take, for example cortisone or thiazide diuretics. Many common medications used for the treatment of high blood pressure will also raise your blood glucose level
  • the medications you didn’t take… you may have forgotten to take your anti-diabetic medications or your insulin dose was too low
  • illness or an infection
  • emotional stress or excitement

When your levels are out of your target range, ask yourself what foods have you or have you not eaten? Have you missed your regular walk after your meal? Are you feeling stressed or unwell? These will all cause your blood sugar level to rise.

When your blood glucose levels are high, you may:

  • feel thirsty
  • urinate more often
  • feel really tired
  • have blurred vision
  • have a dry and itchy skin
  • have more infections… your white blood cells, which help with healing and defending your body against infections, don’t function correctly in the high-sugar environment of your body
  • have cuts and sores that heal more slowly than usual

What action should you take?

Drinking plenty of water aids in the prevention of dehydration and helps to flush out the excess blood glucose. Try to identify the possible cause of your high blood sugar levels… if your levels are high often, talk to your health care practitioner as your eating plan, exercise program or medications may need adjustment.

Nearly all people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes have occasional high blood sugar readings… often the reading falls back into the target range in a short period of time.

If you would like to download a free copy of my E-Book, click here now: Answers to Your Questions… it’s based on questions diabetics have asked me recently.

Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your type 2 diabetes.

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