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New Plant Studies to Help in the Treatment of Diabetes

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Thank goodness for studies, especially where Type 2 diabetes is concerned. Unfortunately, Type 2 diabetes is the major chronic disease of modern societies and the more we can learn about the disease and how to best treat it, the more chance there is to find a cure.

Two recent studies show one molecule found in the Saraca ashoka tree and another found in a variety of fruits could have value in treating people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

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Saraca ashoka is a tree that grows in India, and preparations taken from it have been used in herbal medicine to treat many conditions, including cancer, menstrual difficulties, bacterial infections, psoriasis, and eczema. Researchers at the National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology in Kerala, India, looked at how certain molecules taken from the plant would react with muscle cells. Their results were published in the journal European Review of Medical and Pharmacological Science in January 2012.

An extract of the flower from the Saraca ashoka tree was given to muscle cells, which was then followed with hydrogen peroxide, which can cause oxidative damage. Oxidative damage was reduced when the Saraca ashoka flower extract was present…

alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase, two enzymes associated with Type 2 diabetes, were also reduced in the presence of the extract.
LDL, the "bad" form of cholesterol, was not oxidated, which means it did not have the potential to clog arteries and cause heart attacks.

From these results it was concluded the Saroca ashoka flowers could be useful for preventing the complications associated with Type 2 diabetes.

Kaempferol is a molecule found in a variety of plants, including tea, broccoli, leeks, onions, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, and many others. Some studies have associated the consumption of kaempferol with a reduced risk of heart disease and pancreatic cancer.

In a study published in the European Journal of Pharmacology in 2011, investigators at Northwestern Polytechnical University at Xian, China, looked at the effects of kaempferol on pancreatic cells.

High blood sugar levels seen in Type 2 diabetes can cause damage to pancreatic beta cells, the cells that make and release insulin…

when kaempferol was given to beta cells in a high sugar environment, the cells stayed alive longer than any cells not treated with kaempferol.
energy production was also improved when the cells were given kaempferol.

It was therefore concluded kaempferol could be useful in protecting pancreatic beta cells from the adverse effects of living in a high-sugar environment.

While it is true studies on Saraca ashoka and kaempferol need more verification, and further work will have to be perfomed before they can actually be used in treating people with Type 2 diabetes, it is encouraging to know that new research is going on all the time.

By the way, do you want to learn more about how to be healthier and live longer in spite of having Type 2 diabetes. If so, I suggest you check this out: Natural Diabetes Treatments []

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