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Take Bee Pollen For Diabetes

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It’s really amazing when you consider all that bee pollen can do for a person’s health. I first got interested in it because it is such a natural energy booster. Increasing immune system and being a natural appetite suppressant are also well known benefits. But there are even more, and some preliminary research has linked some positive effects of bee pollen to diabetes…

There are three types of diabetes;

  1. Type 1 diabetes
  2. Type 2 diabetes
  3. Gestational diabetes

Type 1 diabetics are insulin dependent because not enough insulin is produced by the pancreas and so blood sugar rises because not enough insulin gets into the bloodstream. This type of diabetes is not always possible to prevent because many people inherited it.

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Type 2 diabetes is much more common than type 1 and is also known as insulin resistance because the body does produce insulin but it is unable to produce glucose. Type 2 diabetes is preventable because it’s usually caused by things such as poor diets, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.

Gestational diabetes is usually temporary during pregnancy and is triggered by hormones. It rarely requires insulin injections and can be treated with diet and exercise.

But thanks to technological advancements over the years, we have been able to establish a bee pollen diabetes link which uses it’s supplements to keep a check on this disease. Here’s a look at how the bee pollen diabetes link can help a diabetic;

• Unlike all medications being used, pollen is all-natural and is free from all kinds of side effects.

• It improves blood circulation because of the high levels of Vitamin E and Tocopherol compounds that are beneficial in oxygenation of cells.

• Blood regulation is also improved because of it’s high amount of antioxidant compounds.

• Thiamine, also known as Vitamin B1, is also found in bee pollen which has been part of all major diabetes treatments.

• The antioxidant compounds found in pollen can suppress against high cholesterol levels.

• It’s also known to have Nicotinic Acid (Nicotinamide) which is strongly recommended for blood formation and is instrumental in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

• Many people believe this link between bee pollen and diabetes might be the key to a permanent cure to this disease in the near future.

People with type 2 diabetes must eat foods that are healthy and low on the glycemic index. Some good choices are green leafy vegetables and fruits with pits or seeds, whole grains and legumes to name a few.

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Take pollen daily and get enough prebiotics for additional digestive health benefits. Some amount of physical activity and exercise should be included in every diabetics life.

Learn more about bee pollen benefits [] through our independent research at []

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