In May of 2018, the Journal of the Pakistani Medical Association reported on a study showing vitamin D helped lower HbA1c levels in people who had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Investigators at Sahiwal Medical College and several other research institutions in Pakistan found people with Type 2 diabetes receiving vitamin D supplements showed lower HbA1c levels than those receiving the usual care only.
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A total of 140 people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes between 40 and 70 years of age were divided evenly into two groups…
- one group received only metformin while the
- other group received metformin and vitamin D.
After six months the participants receiving vitamin D supplements had significantly lower HbA1c levels than those participants receiving metformin only.
Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium and make bones strong. It suppresses the release of the parathyroid hormone from the parathyroid glands which are embedded in the thyroid gland in the neck.
- parathyroid hormone functions in breaking down bone.
- bone is continually being remodeled, broken down and built back up in response to use.
For instance, if you begin workouts using your legs the bones in your legs might grow bigger and stronger to handle the increased load. During pregnancy, if women do not absorb enough calcium from their food or through supplementation, calcium will be removed from their bones to feed the fetal bones.
Lack of vitamin D in children used to lead to a condition called rickets, fortunately, rare in the 21st century. Tiny Tim in Dickens’ Christmas Carol might have had rickets. In adults, the marked softening of the bones is identified as osteomalacia.
Signs and symptoms of a Vitamin D deficiency include…
- respiratory disease, ranging from frequent colds to severe lung disease
- tiredness,
- bone or back pain,
- depression, including seasonal depression during winter,
- slow wound healing,
- hair loss, and
- muscle pain.
A Vitamin D deficiency can be diagnosed with a blood test…
- normal levels range from 20 to 50 nanograms per ml.
- a level of 12 nanograms per ml is considered to be deficient.
The Institute of Medicine recommends 600 IU of vitamin D for adults getting adequate sun exposure. Those over 70 should get 800 IU. Pregnant women need 4,000 IU of vitamin D daily. This amount has the greatest benefit in preventing preterm labor/births and infections. The majority of prenatal vitamins contains only 400 IU, so additional supplementation should be taken daily.
The vitamin is made by human skin when exposed to sunlight. Mushrooms make vitamin D the same way human skin does. Many kinds of…
- cereal,
- orange juice, and
- tofu products
have vitamin D added. Commercial preparations of vitamin D are available as supplements and should be taken only with a doctor’s advice.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.
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The answer isn’t in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.
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