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How To Get Rid Of The Double Chin

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Having arrived at this article, it’s my guess you own a double chin and want to do something about it. Not only is a double chin unattractive it will probably damage your self-image as well.

Therefore, I am going to take a look at what leads to a double chin and a few ideas to eliminate the double chin as well.

There are various completely different causes of a double chin. And half of the battle is to be aware of why you have a double chin. If you can understand the underlying reason then you might be well on the way to beating it. For a good number people, however, you will discover several elements at work including genetic factors and dietary issues along with your posture (how you “hold” yourself).

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At first, I actually did not think posture was a contributing factor. However, I’ve changed my view and I’m now convinced the way you actually hold your head is very of important. I know, that might seem difficult to believe, but think about this. Take a flick through the numerous gossip columns or tabloid press.

You’ve all seen the image of the A-list celeb caught in an unsightly pose. Look at all those flabby and saggy bits and those horrible undesirable bulges.

These A-Listers get trained in how to “hold themselves” when in front of the camera. They do that so they will always look good…except some hack catches them in their pyjamas fetching the milk or putting out the garbage. This is the “actual” “real” person behind the make believe veil. And believe me they are way, way different to the “manufactured” images we normally see on the screen or in the glossy magazines.

It’s for that reason that posture is so important. And you thought it wasn’t important? Yep, as I said “me too” at first!

If posture has been a difficulty for you over the years it has probably now become a bad habit. And we all know they are troublesome bad habits are to break! Holding your head in a downward tilt all the time will reduce the exercise your neck and jaw muscles get and will inevitably cause a double chin in the longer term.

Now I understand that, if you sit at a computer all day, keeping your head up is difficult. But it is a major part of the strategy to counter your double chin by helping build and exercise the neck muscle tissues that little bit more. This will help and is an easily made change.

This is a bizarre one as some ultra-fit folks suffer from double chins and yet some people with awful diets get away with it. It’s a paradox for sure (and one that upsets me).

The bottom line is that for many people, weight-reduction plan is a factor that has to be taken into account. There is a stack of stuff written and published on the Internet about food regimen so I’m not going to delve too deeply here.

Suffice to say common sense ought to prevail. The less sugar and saturated fats (and trans fats) in your diet, the less likely you are to be vulnerable to weight gain (as a general rule).

You know that if you drink a six pack and eat a double pizza every evening, you’re likely to have a double chin and a wider weight issue. Eat and drink sensibly and employ a reasonable exercise regime and it will definitely help you maintain a proper weight and keep the double chin at bay. I needn’t say any more.

If you are eating (and drinking) sensibly and have good posture and the double chin is being persistent, then perhaps try some specific exercises. If you go to the Get Rid Of The Double Chin (see link at the end of this article) web site, there are some videos to help you.

Your genes may also be an element, like they are with me, my chin is the first place I discover any weight gain. I need to work actually pretty hard to maintain a tight jawline and chin.

Unfortunately you cannot change your DNA – that’s the way it is I. afraid.. The genes you get at birth are all you get and you need to make do. The Danes have an amazing saying…”you can only piss by the cock you’re given”. I love that saying, it does make me snigger and sums it up nicely if just a little rudely!

So, if you are genetically inclined towards a double chin, it’s important to make the very best of what you have. That means a combination of good posture, a proper diet and a sensible exercise program. They will all help. Of course, no matter what your scenario, it’s best not to let yourself get a double chin in the first place! As always, prevention is better (and less painful) than cure.

Let’s talk about cosmetic surgery – Don’t even consider it!

First up, it is massively expensive. Secondly, in my view it leads to the slippery slope of one surgery after another. Thirdly, if you ask me, it just does not look right either – sorry. Just have a look at a few of the results you see on some personalities. I have no doubt whatsoever, it’s the reason it’s known as “plastic surgery”. Far better a natural “remedy”.

O.K, that’s it and I hope I have been able to provide you with some useful pointers on how to get rid of the double chin.

For more information on how to get rid of the double chin [], click the link. You might also like to go to this link for some double chin exercises [].

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